Since 2018, the BizCare programme has genuinely conveyed our environmental and social commitment. Today, this is awarded by the Ecovadis seal of approval!
Since 2018, the BizCare programme has genuinely conveyed our environmental and social commitment. Today, this is awarded by the Ecovadis seal of approval!
Ecovadis is the premier collaborative platform relating to the Societal and Environmental Responsibility rating of companies. It is both an information system and a network of experts making simple, reliable and comparable ratings available to its buyer and supplier clients.
It thus evaluates companies’ CSR policies in accordance with 21 indicators while supporting them, so that they become more responsible organisations.
Their certification, recognised internationally, is today the standard across numerous business sectors.
Since 2007, 75,000 companies have been objectively evaluated in 160 countries.
The Ecovadis questionnaire is made up of 150 questions, grouped together in 4 themes:
1. Social & Human Rights (35% of questions)
2. Responsible procurement (15% of questions)
3. Environment (35% of questions)
4. Ethics (15% of questions)
For each theme, the evaluation is based on 3 aspects:
1. Policies implemented (25% of the rating)
2. Actions undertaken (40% of the rating)
3. Results obtained (35% of the rating)
From the results, Ecovadis awards a medal to companies, in accordance with the score that they have obtained:
- Bronze: between 45 and 53
- Silver: between 54 and 65
- Gold: between 66 and 72
- Platinum: between 73 and 100
For its first year taking part, BizLine
obtained an overall score of 70/100, thus picking up the Ecovadis 2021 Gold Medal for
its CSR policy.
This distinction thus rewards the actions undertaken by BizLine’s teams and enables us to
join the Rexel Group, already certified Gold since 2017.
Above and beyond the landmark, these results allow us to integrate into the select club of the 1% best companies in our sector evaluated by Ecovadis.
After havin analysed its strengths and its ways to improve, BizLine is henceforth working on an action plan, which will enable us to continue to develop our CSR process
...see you next year!